Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra Retail Demo

Simple yet beautiful interactives to showcase the flagship phone's graphics

Client: Samsung
Technology: Unity, Android
Role: Lead Developer

The pandemic transformed consumer in-store behavior: consumers browsed, researched, and selected devices online and visited stores only to complete the purchase. This meant that Samsung had one chance to impress customers in-store. In the summer of 2020, Samsung teamed up with Razorfish to create an on-device experience in Unity that showcased both the S20 Ultra’s capabilities and benefits to the user through personalization. Our experience was translated into 40 languages deployed by more than 20,000 distributers worldwide.

I worked closely with our creative team to build a series of beautiful interactives blending Unity’s built-in physics with on-rails animation, triggered by button presses and the phone’s accelerometer. At the time, URP was not available for mobile, so to still achieve a high-fidelity look and do justice to the phone’s high-res display, I used a combination of HDR, baked textures, and in some instances seamless switching between high resolution video and image  of Unity’s rendering.

Screenshots of the final product
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